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What is IEEE MCBU Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society?

IEEE AESS (Aerospace and Electronic System Society) is a technical subcommittee of IEEE. Its main purpose is to provide its members with information on the defense industry, space systems, aviation electronics, flight simulation systems and many other subjects.

We, as IEEE MCBU AESS, aim to carry our members forward by organizing educational seminars, webinars, trainings and many different activities in these fields and to instill the awareness that "the future is in the sky" based on the words of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the Turkish Republic.

Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society


Aviation encompasses all aircraft-related actions, industries, institutions.


Aerospace engineering provides education and research in the design and manufacture of construction projects, maintenance and repair technology and operation of any engineering product that interacts with air.

Defence Industry

The defense industry consists of a commercial industry involved in research and development, engineering, production and service of military materials, equipment and facilities.

Electronic Systems

Electronic Systems are physical connections of components or parts that gather various amounts of information together.

Our Events

Events we organize within IEEE MCBU AESS

Aerospace Seminar

As part of the "Aviation and Space Seminar" we held on December 7, World Aviation Day, TRMotor CEO Osman Dur, who assumed the role of the engine of the "Turkish Fighter X" project, was with us on our youtube page. In our webinar series, our main goal is to host our local and national companies working with the motto "The future is in the skies, the nations that cannot protect their sky can never be sure of their future" and to convey the works of our country to everyone who is interested in the subject and to raise awareness.

Airfoil Analysis Training with XFLR5 and ANSYS FLUENT

With the help of our Chairman of the Board Çoruh Aydın our event, where we covered topics such as the forces acting on the aircraft, basic information about wing profiles, wing design on Solidworks, wing analysis with XFLR5 and ANSYS FLUENT, was held with the great interest of our community members and our school enthusiast friends!

Burakcan Çetin

Chairman of Committee

Hello, I'm Burakcan Cetin. I am a 1st year Mechanical Engineering student. I started my IEEE career in 2020-2021 as IEEE MCBU EMBS Promotion and Design Team Member. Afterwards, I took on the role of Promotion and Design Assistant Coordinator. While continuing my IEEE career as the director of the IEEE MCBU Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society in the 2021-2022 period, I also work for our community as the Project Coordinator of the Board.