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What is IEEE MCBU Commmunications Society?

As the IEEE MCBU ComSoc committee, we; We introduce engineer candidates in the fields of engineering, science, satellite, space, technology and communication with the leading people of the industry and ensure the development of engineer candidates in line with their career and goals.

ComSoc is the technical committee of IEEE MCBÜ, which has been operating under Manisa Celal Bayar University since 2015, applying engineering methodology to communication technology and organizing events such as workshops, teatalk, webinars and technical training to increase quality. Our goals are on the way to realize their progress, improve the profession and develop the technologies of telecommunications engineering.

IEEE Communications Society fosters technological innovation, knowledge creation and sharing among the global technical community. The student body offers its members services for their technical and professional advancement and forums for technical exchanges among professionals in academia, industry and public institutions.

Communications Society


As a committee, we attach importance to radio and organize events on amateur radio.

Satellite Technologies

As a ComSoc, we care about our friends being informed about Modern Satellite Technologies. We inform our fellow students about various studies in this field.


It is one of our priorities to bring together people from telecommunication companies that are experts in the field of communication with engineer candidates.

Communication Technologies

One of the priorities of our committee is to introduce communication technologies to students.

Our Events

Events we organize within IEEE MCBU ComSoc

Conversations about gaming entrepreneurship

By giving some trainings about game entrepreneurship, this branch of entrepreneurship is tried to be taught to engineer candidates.

Satellite And Communication Technologies

In this field, radios, which are the basic communication elements, are introduced and information about satellite systems is given.

Conversations About Digital Transformation

In this event, CEOs and students in certain places are brought together to talk about our digitalized world.


Radiothon, the first of which was held online last year, draws its power from advancing and developing technology. Radiothon is a big event that we want to organize, it is competition based event. At first, the leading people of the sector and the engineer candidates are introduced. Thus, it is ensured that the engineer candidates obtain a certain network. The main purpose of this activity is to provide students who are interested in fields such as radio and satellite technologies with the necessary experience in these fields before their business life.

Hasan Salhi

Chairman of Committee

I'm Hasan Salhi. I am a 1st year Industrial Engineering student at Manisa Celal Bayar University. I started my IEEE MCBU career as a social media content manager in the 2020-2021 period. I took part in the coordination teams of some big events. Currently, I am the President of the Communication Society in the IEEE MCBU Student Branch.